During the lunar rover’s 36th lunar day on the moon in December, Yutu 2 spotted a mysterious cube-like object 260 feet away.
The Chinese rover, Yutu 2, has been traversing the lunar landscape since touching down on the moon’s dark side on January 3, 2019. During its expedition across the Von Kármán crater on December 3, 2021, Yutu 2 spotted an anomaly on the lunar surface 260 feet ahead.
The picture clicked by the solar-powered rover showed a tiny structure in the moon’s horizon. Only a few pixels wide, the picture does not lend much detail but the structure can be made out to be angular and cube-like, similar to a large boulder. Yutu 2 logged this strange sighting on its Yutu №2 Driving Diary as a “mysterious hut”. It also noted a new “baby” impact crater next to the oddity.
Image taken by Yutu 2 of the “mysterious hut” on the moon’s horizon. (Source: CNSA/Our Space)
The team behind Yutu 2 at the China National Space Administration (CNSA) are intrigued by this discovery, as much of the global space community, and have taken it their mission to send the rover over to further investigate the “hut”.
Knowing that the moon is ridden with numerous craters and even more stray rocky masses, many are expecting the strange structure to simply be a boulder borne out of a nearby impact event. Some speculate that it could be a result of extraterrestrial activity due to the cubic shape of the block. Whatever the case may be, we will only know when Yutu 2 finally reaches the lunar mystery to further investigate.
With the craters to dodge and the unfriendly rocky moon surface to crawl on, it takes quite some time for robots to trek about on our natural satellite. This means that Yutu 2 would take another two to three lunar days, or two to three earth months to reach the object, so we await updates meanwhile.
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